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Usage: go run main.go [--media ediatype] [--update]
This command allows you to manage multimedia files and update their data in the system.
--media <mediatype> Specifies the type of media to process.
Possible values are:
- movies: Processes movie files.
- series: Processes series files.
- books: Processes book files.
- games: Processes game files.
- music: Processes music files.
If not specified, all media types will be processed.
--update Runs in update mode to refresh existing media entries.
This option is optional and requires no value.
-h, --help Displays this help message and exits.
Usage examples:
go run main.go --media movies Processes only movie files.
go run main.go --update Updates all multimedia files.
go run main.go --media series --update Processes and updates series files.