FROM golang:1.21.4 # Set default build-time value, not persisted in the container ARG DOCKER_ENV=production # Set runtime environment variable inside the container ENV DOCKER_ENV=${DOCKER_ENV} WORKDIR /code RUN echo "Building with DOCKER_ENV=${DOCKER_ENV}" COPY go.mod go.sum ./ RUN go mod download COPY . . RUN go mod tidy && \ if [ "$DOCKER_ENV" = "local" ]; then \ echo "Local environment detected, installing Air..."; \ go install; \ fi CMD if [ "$DOCKER_ENV" = "local" ]; then \ echo "Local environment detected, running Air..." && \ air -c .air.toml; \ else \ echo "Production environment detected, building and running the web..."; \ go build -o tmp/web ./cmd/web/main.go && ./tmp/web; \ fi