# TODO ## General > General options - [x] Proper logger - [x] Flag that sets the debug mode - [x] Flag to show the version - [x] Page versioning in a really basic way - [x] Version listing - [x] Makefile helper - [ ] CI (gofmt, golint, more)? ## Bootstrap > Basic elements - [x] Echo server - [x] Sample Model - [x] Store interface (gorm, file...) - [x] Open db store - [x] Templates ## Must > Must have things (as tasks) - [ ] List history (in every detail page, a link to the history should be included) - [ ] Deal with static content (images, attachments...) - [ ] If you're about to save not the latest version, button: save -> restore - [ ] Delete any page or version - [ ] Not allow to create a kind of forbidden-words list (edit, list, version...) - [ ] Redirect page/ -> page ## Enhacements > Things that would be awesome to have, but not necessary for now - [ ] Config file (to select store and some other future options) - [ ] Flag to select store - [ ] Open file store - [ ] Reload if files changes [idea](https://medium.com/@olebedev/live-code-reloading-for-golang-web-projects-in-19-lines-8b2e8777b1ea#.gok9azrg4)