2022-03-15 14:54:29 +01:00
# Minimal personal wiki in Go
## Features
* Markdown -> HTML
* Basic HTML (with Water CSS, for example)
* requires serving static content
* One level pages (e.g. http://host/PageName/)
* view version (default latest)
* old version -> restore
* delete
* edit
* list history (changes -> view version)
* Normalize URLs
* e.g. reidrect page/ -> page
### Stretch goals
1. List pages
* optionally filter by tag
* pagination
2. Search
* query into title (e.g. PageName), tags
* full text?
* n results, pagination not needed
3. Auth for protected pages
* edit, restore
4. Atom feed for updated pages (last n)
5. Detect the page has changed before post
* show warning
## Stack
* Storage: sqlite with [GORM](https://gorm.io/)
* easy queries
* struct -> tables
* auto-migrations
* HTTP server: [Echo](https://echo.labstack.com/)
* easy to use
* routes
* static content
* middleware (e.g. auth, remove trailing slash)
* Templates
* needed? [html/template](https://pkg.go.dev/html/template)
* not super-easy to use
* Markdown -> HTML: [Blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday)
## Routes
| Method | URL | Notes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| GET | / | alias for WikiHome |
| GET | /:page(/:version)? | version is optional, defaults to "latest" |
| GET | /:page/edit | protected |
| POST | /:page/edit | protected |
| GET | /:page/history | |
| POST | /:page/restore/:version | protected |
| DELETE | /:page/:version | protected |
| GET | /list(/:tag)? | tag is optional, stretch goal |
| POST | /search | stretch goal |
| GET | /atom.xml | stretch goal |
:page in format CamelCase (starts uppercase)
:version is numeric
:tag is string
## Model: Page
* Page name
* version
* change description
* created on
* updated on
* tags (e.g. tag1:tag2:tag3)
* body
2022-03-15 21:50:11 +01:00
(thanks [reidrac](http://github.com/reidrac), [MrReidrac](https://twitch.tv/reidrac))