# TODO > List of things to do - [x] Take a look to the li margin-bottom - [x] About, social section, maybe something similar to the index page could fit better - [x] Review in metas.html. It´s necessary? - [x] og + twitter card - [x] Index, 5 posts - [x] Archive + About: Change title - [x] Emphasize `` - [x] Favicon (Added)* - [ ] *Review the favicon imgs directory. Not sure if the images are in the right directory. - [ ] Index call2action that leads you to "posts" - [x] Change paginators (no vertical separator |) - [x] Fonts, use one font for the title and another one (more readable) for the post text - [x] Remove background pre on about - [ ] Some images contains a `

`, get rid of it. - Images with p in the post content (as it is html now) - ![image.png](path/to/image.png) ->

- [ ] There is a `

` that contains a `

` too. Try to get rid of it - ## ->


- [ ] Different sizes for the images (full-width, mid, normal, narrow...) - [ ] Review pending texts (off-screen) - [ ] Index - [ ] About, Colophon, CV... (add Setup info?) - [ ] Remove `tale` theme and clean some stuff here and there - [ ] Import some other posts from other years - [ ] Support something like microposting (as bebu does)