Gst is a cli command that consumes a remote API to achieve different actions about time-stamps
What we're looking for
We're looking for a cli command that acts like this:
$ gst projects [pr]
- List of projects
$ gst tasks [t] [--project|-pr] 11
- List of tasks, if -pr grouped per projects else just last open tasks
$ gst start -t 212
- Add new stamp to the task 212
$ gst stop
- Stop the last open stamp
$ gst description "Task description"
- Add description to last stamp
$ gst addtask [--project|-pr] 11 "Task title"
- Add a task to a project
$ gst status [--last]
- List last stamps and status (open, closed...), like a summary
Why Rust?
Because my mind wants to learn something new. Also, why not?
Gst is a cli command that consumes a remote API to achieve different actions about time-stamps